Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Caring and Train a Beagle Dog

Beagle is a small dog that looks like a miniature of Foxhound. The body consists of the skull enough long and slightly domed. Square muzzle straight, and medium length. Large brown or hazel eyes and lies far apart. Ears wide, low shape and length. Black nose with wide nostrils full. Feet round and firm. The tail is set high and never curled behind. The coat is medium length, close, hard, sleek and easy to care for.

Beagles have a distinct howl / bay skin when they are on the hunt.

Beagle is dogs that like to loving, sweet and gentle. Glad to see everyone, greeting them with a wagging tail. Sociable, brave and intelligent. Very good with children and generally good with other dogs, but because of their hunting instincts, they can not be trusted with non-canine pets, unless they are socialized with cats and other household animals when they are young. Beagles have minds of their own.

They are determined and watchful and require patience in training. This is important if you are the owner of this dog, and you give the right amount, from the mental and physical exercise, including walks in every day. With enough practice, they will calm down. You can also purchase animal scents and play tracking games with your beagle to help satisfy their instinct to track. Beagle does not have skin, Beagles are curious and have a tendency to follow their own noses.