Wednesday, July 31, 2013

7 Weird Thing Which is Favored by Dogs

Dogs are one of the pets which very loyal to his master. Did you know that dogs have fun to things which quite strange and unexpected. Like what? Check out more facts below.

Clothes belong to their master
One of the unexpected things preferred a dog, is a master clothes. Just try to put your clothes carelessly. Dogs will sniff the clothes and store them somewhere else for themselves.

Raw fruits and vegetables
Dogs arguably similar to humans, because the dog was also like fruit and raw vegetables. This certainly is not bad because of its healthful fruits and vegetables. However, dogs should not eat onions, garlic, and raisins.

Quiet atmosphere
Behavior of the dog which is quite unique, they do not want to eat in the atmosphere that are too cramped and noisy. Just like humans, dogs need a spacious, quiet, and free of distractions while eating.

Coconut oil
Dogs also likes the coconut oil. Weird huh? In fact, coconut oil is generally consumed by humans. Dogs should also be given coconut oil, as long as not to exceed a teaspoon so that stools does not become oily.

Not just a cat who likes to chase the laser, it turns out the dog too! So try playing with the dog using a laser.

The sandbox
If you also have a cat at home, you should keep sandboxes where cats defecate out of reach of the dog. Because dogs like to be in the sand box, whatever the reason.

That's some strange and unexpected things favored by dogs. What about your dog's behavior at home?